Autofill a cart from the dashboard! Roll back to previous cart versions!


Two really awesome quality-of-life updates here.

  1. Ability to autofill a cart from the dashboard. Now, when texting or emailing a client, you can automatically autofill an invoice or cart on their behalf straight from the dashboard. You can choose to autofill according to package rules or even from the customer's previous order. This makes managing one-off orders or people who need extra help even easier.
  2. Ability to rollback to a prior cart version. In Bottle, we always store every version of every cart. So you can see what customers added/changed in their cart and what the autofill system added/changed in their cart. And now, you can rollback to a previous version of the cart. Just scroll down to the Order's version history, choose the cart version you want to rollback to, and click "Rollback." That easy.

Hopefully these changes make it even easier to handle customer changes and requests straight from your dashboard. Both of these changes also work whether or not an order is paid for. If it's an unpaid cart, it will update all the order totals so the customer will pay you the right amount. If it's an already-paid-for-paid, it will show you the new total but not automatically bill the customer the difference.

This is so you can be sure your report for production is perfect, and handle money collection or refunds however you best see fit.

Let us know what you think!